Ing. Alfonso Abreus Molina
Executive Director of Eastern Europe and C.I.S.
Address: Ogorodniy proezd, d. 5, str. 4, Moscow, Russia.
Zip Code: 127254
Phone: (+34) 955 15 74 00 // 954 67 40 98
Mr. Vladimir Efimovich Chornogorodov
Corporative Security Advisor
Phone: (+34) 627 11 98 73
Mr. Alfonso Molina Abreus is Executive Director for Eastern Europe and C.E.I.
Graduated in the specialty of “Installation, operation and repair of nuclear reactors and steam generators” in 1985, in 1992 graduated from the Moscow Energy Institute specializing in “mechanical engineer turbine construction,” and also he graduated professor of Russian language for foreigners.
For 10 years, he devoted himself to the founding of commercial structures for international work. The main direction of the activity was the global trade of different uses and highly technological.
The supplies were performed to the most diverse places in the world: Asian Region, Middle East, Russia, C.E.I., Europe, Latin America and the Caribbean.During this period, he perfected his professional experience in the field of international trade and logistics with an extensive list of assistance to business courses and entrepreneurial improvement.
1993 -1995.: Company «D.K.R.». Commercial Director1995-1997. : Company «Hispano-Rusa de Gestión e Inversión». Commercial Director1997-2000. : LLC «ТЕХКОМ». Commercial Director2000-2002. : Company «Gals-Avto». Regional Director for Latin America2002 to present time : «V&V RENDING» S.A. Vice-President – Executive Director for Eastern Europe and the CIS.
1993- 1995 – Compañía «D.K.R.» Director Comercial.
1995-1997 – Compañía «Hispano-Rusa de Gestión e Inversión». Director Comercial
1997-2000 – «ТЕХКОМ» S.L. Director Comercial
2000-2002 – Compañía «Gals-Avto». Director Regional en América Latina.
Desde 2002- hasta la actualidad Compañía «V&V RENDING S.A» Vice Presidente – Director Ejecutivo para Europa del Este y la C.I.E.
Mr. Chernogorodov Vladimir Efimovich born on April 22, 1963 in the city of Omsk, Russian Federation.
He graduated with a gold medal in the school № 112 in 1980. During his studies he was several times winner in the Olympics of knowledge of physics and mathematics, was also a candidate for the degree of master of sports in swimming.
From 1980 to 1984 he studied at the Higher Military Academy of the General Army possesses twice red flagged MV Frunze. For the excellent conduct studies and was awarded a lot of encouragement and recognition. Also actively participated in the Olympics in physics, mathematics and language than French, which were won on several occasions. He finished the academy awarded Red Diploma.
From 1984 to 1993 he served as a soldier in the special forces division “Kantemirovskaya” in management.[17/01/2013 11:47:26 p.m.] V&V RENDING S.A: From 1993 to 2004 he worked in the OSJC “Sibtransnefteprodukt” in the city of Omsk, a subdivision of the company “Transneft”. During the service period is characterized as a serious and honest worker, receiving stimuli for the proper performance of their work.
Since 2004 started his own business in the field of safety and security of financial and industrial companies. During the period of his work in the field of safety and security has accumulated a wealth of experience that has allowed him to become a highly qualified specialist professional in this field
Since 2009 works for the company V & V Rending SA in charge of Security Advisory Service and in 2012 was appointed as Director of the Security Service of the Moscow representation of V & V Rending S.A.
Desde 2004 comenzó su propio negocio en la esfera de protección y seguridad de empresas financieras e industriales. Durante el período de su trabajo en la esfera de la protección y seguridad acumuló una gran experiencia que le ha permitido convertirse en un especialista de alta calificación profesional en esta esfera.
Desde el año 2009 trabaja en la compañía V&V RENDING S.A en el cargo de Asesor del Servicio de Seguridad.
En 2012 ha sido designado al cargo de Director del Servicio de Seguridad de la representación de Moscú de V&V RENDING S.A