The following information is required to be posted on the website in accordance with the provisions of Royal Decree 1564/1989 of 22 December, approving the revised text of the Corporations Law and under the provision first final of Law 19/1989 of July 25 (RCL 1989, 1660), partial reform and adaptation of corporate law Directives of the European Economic Community (EEC) and Royal Decree-Law 9/2012, of March 16, to simplify reporting requirements and documentation of mergers and divisions of corporations.
Company Facts: Registered with the Chamber of Commerce of Seville from 1998 / SE-33810, Book 2723, page 162.
Official Name: V & V Rending S.A.
Registration number: A41921305
Corporate Headquarters: Street/ Luis Fuentes Bejarano 8, 41020 Seville – Spain.
Branches: Russia (Moscow), USA (Miami), Venezuela (Caracas), Panama (Panama City), Argentina(Azul-Buenos Aires), Mexico (Quintana Ro) and Morocco (Casa Blanca).
Place of registration: SPAIN.
Gulf Coast
V&V Rending S.A. in the first quarter strategic terminal is positioned in the Gulf Coast of the United States to increase by 20,000 m3 storage value.